Design a Custom Twitter Header

8 simple steps to create your own Twitter header

Maybe you’re one of those who haven’t updated their Twitter headers yet, or maybe you’ve heard it already but you’re not just into creating your own design due to a lack of inspiration? Well, that’s not a problem at all now, this tutorial is for you. Michael John Burns is going to show you how to create your own, and showcase some Twitter headers for your inspiration.


Open Photoshop and create a new document 520px by 260px. Let’s setup a guideline where your block will end. To do this go to View – New Guide. Set the value to 180px and make sure you select Horizontal. Now let’s create the blocks. Using the Rectangle Tool(U) create a 11px by 11px shape, place it from the top and downwards for the guideline and make sure each block has a distance of 5px. Also adjust the positioning. Duplicate all the blocks until you reach far right. Now that you have all the blocks in place, it's time to change the colour of each block.


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