Adobe Unveils Edge Tools and Services
Adobe Edge Animate 1.0 headlines new Tools and Services
At its Create the Web event, Adobe unveiled an innovative set of tools and services to help designers and developers more easily create beautiful websites, digital content and mobile apps using the latest Web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. During the keynote session, hosted by chief technology officer Kevin Lynch, Adobe introduced Edge Tools & Services and announced immediate availability of Adobe Edge Animate 1.0, Adobe Edge Inspect 1.0 (formerly codenamed “Shadow”), Adobe PhoneGap Build 1.0, Adobe Edge Web Fonts and a preview of Adobe Edge Code. Adobe also demonstrated a sneak peek of Adobe Edge Reflow in anticipation of a preview release expected by the end of the year.
Edge Tools & Services include:
- Edge Animate – A motion and interaction design tool that allows users to bring animated content to the Web using HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
- Edge Inspect – An inspection and preview tool that allows front-end Web developers and designers to efficiently preview and debug HTML content on mobile devices.
- Edge Code – A code editor, built on the Brackets open source project, optimized for Web designers and developers working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Edge Reflow – A responsive Web design tool to help users create layouts and visual designs with CSS, the standard for styling HTML content. A preview release is expected by the end of the year.
- Edge Web Fonts – A free Web font service for using a growing library of open source fonts on websites and in apps.
- Typekit – A service that gives designers and developers access to a library of hosted, high-quality fonts to use on their websites.
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