Dropbox Two-Step Verification Security Option
Two-step verification security option for Dropbox
Everyone knows that your primary email account is the lynchpin of your digital security: if someone gains access to that it's likely you could face quite a bit of damage, not unlike what happened to Mat Honan earlier this month. Your Dropbox account is a close number two, however, especially if you have passwords and other private files synced with your account, so Dante D'Orazio is glad to hear that two-step authentication is now available as an optional extra security feature.
You'll need to download the latest beta version of the desktop software to try the feature out. Once you do, visit this link to activate yourself in the beta, and follow the steps to turn on two-step authentication. Just like Google's popular version of the security feature, you receive the codes via text message or an authenticator app that uses Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) protocol.
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