Google Discontinues Old Version of Analytics
Google shuts down the old version of Analytics
In a largely expected move, Google has announced that today it will discontinue the old version of Google Analytics, which it has continued to support for much of the past year after introducing a new version. Google released a new version of the Web visitor statistic service last September that focused on real-time results but kept a link to the old version at the bottom of the page. That link will be retired today, Google announced.
"We have received some really great feedback over the last year on what's working and what's not; we've been listening very closely and doing our best to incorporate the feedback and ideas," Paul Muret, director of engineering for Google Analytics, said in a company blog post. "We are continually working to improve upon Google Analytics and help provide you with tools to make better decisions for your website and marketing programs, so please keep providing the feedback."
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