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CMS Basics and Advanced HTML Editor 3
Learn why you need a database to work with Advanced HTML Editor 3
Content Management Systems allow someone with no computer
programming skills and no website design experience to be able to add/edit
content on a website. In this article Teodor Kuduschiev will guide you through the basic of the Content Management Systems and will show you why you need a database in order to use DMXzone's Dreamweaver extension - Advanced HTML Editor 3.
Advanced HTML Editor 3 Usage
A CMS stores the website's content — text, images, videos etc. displayed by the pages of the website — in a database. Every time a visitor on the website visits a page, the visitor's web browser retrieves the content for that page from the database, and displays that content on the page. If the website owner uses the CMS administration area to make a change to a page, the change is being stored into the database. Every time a visitor opens the page, the page information comes from the database and any visitor on it will see the newly changed content.
This is where the Advanced HTML Editor 3 does its best - Creating beautiful and rich content, editing of live text, images, tables and other content without any HTML knowledge, visually like in Microsoft Word - see Figure 6.
You can build a simple CMS using the Standard Dreamweaver Insert Record Behavior see Figure 4– for creating new content and Update Record Behavior see Figure 5 – for editing existing content and integrate Advanced HTML Editor 3 with them.
Figure 4 - Insert Record Behavior
Learn how to use Advanced HTML Editor 3 with Insert Record Behavior:
Figure 5 - Update Record Behavior
Learn how to use Advanced HTML Editor 3 with Update Record Behavior:
If you are new to dynamic websites please check the following article by David Powers: Building your first dynamic website
Figure 6
Teodor Kuduschiev
As a part of the DMXzone and Wappler team, Teodor has a passion for creative web development, using the latest technologies. He's taking care of showcases, tutorials and support for our community.