DMXzone Calendar 2 Features in Detail Unveiled

January 9, 2012

Check out the features in the DMXzone Calendar 2

We're starting the week with a preview of the features packed in our Wednesday release of DMXzone Calendar 2. This great date picker can be easily added to any website, customized by appearance, navigation and date format. Also you can restrict the selectable date ranges and many more. Check out what you can do with it below!

The Story

  • New extended functionality - The DMXzone Calendar 2 has been rewritten from the ground up.

  • 35 supported languages - You can choose between 35 different languages for the calendar interface.

  • 24 designs - There are 24 different designs to choose from so the calendar fits your website design. You can also create your own custom design by editing the CSS. 
  • All international and custom date formats - Visitors from varying locals respond to different date formats so we added all to use the best one for your website.

  • Multiple months as a table - You can add up to 16 months in a 4x4 table.

  • Animation effects - Add awesome animation effects to your calendar when opens or closes.

  • Calendar appearance - Set the calendar to open on focus, on icon click, or both.

  • Custom appearance - You can customize the way your calendar will be navigated and what drop-downs will be available for your users.

  • Selectable dates - When checked it limits the number of selectable dates to the given date range.

  • Displayed year range - Control the range of years displayed in the year drop-down.

  • Alternative fields - Set initial date that will be selected when the calendar is displayed. You can use it to present a human-friendly date for user selection, while passing a more computer-friendly date through for further processing.
  • Restrict date range - Limit the range of selectable dates in the calendar by setting a beginning and end dates.

  • Conditional Date Formatting - You can specify as many dates and/or date ranges and style them with a specific CSS style, and also make them selectable or not. This way you can for example indicate which dates on your calendar are available, busy or have other special meanings.

  • Full support for dynamic dates and server formats

  • Built-in Server Formats for easy data conversion in ASP and PHP

  • Dynamic Conditional formatting of dates - Choose from a recordset your date field and a conditional statement for the class to be assigned or not.

  • Great Dreamweaver integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you'll need.
  • Inline calendar - Rich inline calendar within Dreamweaver for easy date pickup
  • An inline property inspector - The property inspector enables you to change several options after you’ve created the calendar.
  • Fully controllable by behavior - Full control of the calendar with the Control DMXzone Calendar 2 behavior


Mentioned Extensions

Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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