iPhone 4 Owners Can Legally Get Siri
Apple left ramdisks unencrypted in its latest iOS update
Apple released a new updated version iOS 5.0.1 which allows iPhone 4 owners to legally get Siri. Thanks to the platform's unencrypted RAM disks in the iOS 5.0.1 people with enough technical knowledge would be able to write a script and extract from the software all the files needed to bring the virtual personal assistant to the iPhone 4.
Apple's update can be automatically downloaded to devices that currently aren't running iOS 5.0.1. Those who are already running the software version will need to download the revised iOS 5.0.1 update from Apple's direct link.
The new method for getting Siri onto the iPhone 4 stands in stark contrast to the other methods folks have used to run the software, including obtaining an iPhone 4S' unique identifier and so-called "validation tokens." Those methods have been viewed as potentially dangerous, since Apple likely wouldn't take kindly to users obtaining another device's files. This new method, on the other hand, uses the user's device files, leaving no doubt of its legality.
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