Facebook Timeline Goes Live
Timeline gives you an easy way to rediscover the things you shared
Facebook announced that Timeline is already available and users can head over to the Timeline information page and turn the feature on. They will have 7-day review period to edit the Timeline and decide which stories to feature and which to hide before it replaces their profile page. If you want to get Timeline now, simply go to the Introducing Timeline page and click "Get Timeline."
Timeline shows all the updates a person has added to Facebook since they joined the site. It also follows the social network's desire to provide users with a single place to showcase what has happened in their lives over the years.
Aside from a prominent picture at the top and basic information below it, Timeline has a right sidebar listing years in chronological order that you can click on to see what a user shared on the site, who they made friends with, and other information for any given period. Timeline even includes a map where people can input where they've been around the world.
Facebook said this morning that people can head over to its Timeline information page and turn the feature on. Upon doing so, they will have seven days to review their timelines and decide whether certain photos or wall posts shared on the site over the years should be shared or kept hidden from view.
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