Google Tests Android Update on Employees' Nexus S
Testing of Android 4.0 is expected to take at least a few weeks
The testing of the Android 4.0 which is also known as Ice Cream Sandwich update has already commenced. The operating system was sent to some Google employees for closed testing before the update release. One of them, the Google engineer Adel Saoud reported in a Google+ post that the Ice-cream Sandwich update looks great on his Nexus S.
Testing of Android 4.0 is expected to take at least a few weeks, with the over-the-air release to follow--good news for Nexus S owners.
Ice Cream Sandwich began shipping last month on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus in Europe, although it is still unavailable in most parts of the world, including the U.S. Even though Android is developed behind closed doors, the recent release of the Ice Cream Sandwich source codelets enthusiasts tinker with it.
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