iPhone Said to Have Spontaneously Combusted
Another iPhone 4 spontaneously combusts while charging
Another owner of iPhone, Ayla Mota, reported that the device allegedly began to emit sparks while it was recharging by the bedside. This incident happened a week after on an Australian plane a charging iPhone began to smoke and sizzle as the flight came into land.
Mota reportedly said she was sleeping just inches from her phone--15 centimeters, she measured with some care. Woken by the sudden fizzing by her face, she saw her room was full of smoke.
The culprit, she said, was her charging iPhone, pictures of which seem to show that it was adorned by a purpley-blue bumper.
The Brazilian report on the blog Techtudo suggested that Mota wasn't sure where to go with her exploding iPhone, as it was bought in France and in Brazil, only units bought there are covered by the guarantee.
Naturally, one hopes there won't be a third incendiary incident any time soon, as this might cause panicked reactions, with the world's stock markets crashing and the dollar reduced to the value of an old groat.
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