PHP File Upload 2 is improved to work with all the previous versions of the uploader! It's easy uploading files via a form and saving the rest of the fields in the database with the full support for PHP5. This one-click upload solution provides the best service in a few seconds without any needed coding.
PHP File Upload In Seconds
March 2, 2011
Upload in clicks and seconds
Rob Nijkamp
Hi, I am Rob and proudly introduce myself as the Marketing manager of Dynamic Zones International BV.
That means that I am responsible for all sort of things like professional news articles, world leading premium content, the outraging Dreamweaver extensions & web components and helpful tutorials for the DMXzone community.
It's a honor to have the opportunity to participate and bring the DMXzone community to a whole new and stronger level with more high quality and superb DMXzone content for our loyal members.
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