Facebook beats Google as the most visited site in 2010
it’s going to be a pretty exciting year for all of Internet citizens in 2011
Experian Hitwise has just published their report on the top 1000 search terms for 2010 and for the second time in a row, Facebook emerged as the top-search term. Facebook account for 2.11 percent of all searches made in 2010 while four variations of the term Facebook made it to the top 10 most-searched term in 2010.
The top
10 most-searched term in 2010
These include - “facebook login,” “www.facebook.com,” and “facebook.com.” Combining these terms together would make Facebook account for 3.84% of all searches made in 2010.

Since, this is the second time in a row that Facebook became the top-searched term, you’re probably not excited about this anymore. Perhaps what would interest is the fact that Facebook has just overtaken Google as the most-visited site in 2010. You read it right folks, for the first time Facebook became the most-visited website. Now, that’s something, right?
Facebook accounted for 8.93$ of all U.S. visits between January and November 2010. Google fell short and ranked second only to Facebook with 7.19% of U.S. visits. Following Google are Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo, and YouTube.
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