Flash ActionScript f/x and Design
Flash ActionScript f/x and Design
ActionScript for Flash 5 is a quantum leap from previous versions of this scripting language for Flash. Using ActionScript the Flash 5 developer can add interactive functionality like never before, and this book explains and shows (with plenty of projects and examples) how to get the most out of Flash 5 using ActionScript. The book covers all major concepts in ActionScript for Flash 5 including the actions (statements), operators (which have changed significantly from previous versions), functions (including user-functions), properties, and the many new objects and their methods. Ten chapters lead the reader through all the elements of the new ActionScript, and an Example Glossary provides a quick lookup with an example script for all of the many actions, operators, functions, and properties. The book’s CD-ROM includes the source files (FLA) and the SWF files so that the reader can both examine the coding for all the projects and run them.
Flash ActionScript f/x and Design
Author(s): Bill Sanders
Audience: Web designers and programmers
User Level: Intermediate to advanced
ISBN: 1-57610-821-X
Pages: 344
Price: 44.99 U.S. 67.99 Canada
Media: CD-ROM
Published: Nov 2000
Product Description
ActionScript for Flash 5 is a quantum leap from previous versions of this scripting language for Flash. Using ActionScript the Flash 5 developer can add interactive functionality like never before, and this book explains and shows (with plenty of projects and examples) how to get the most out of Flash 5 using ActionScript. The book covers all major concepts in ActionScript for Flash 5 including the actions (statements), operators (which have changed significantly from previous versions), functions (including user-functions), properties, and the many new objects and their methods. Ten chapters lead the reader through all the elements of the new ActionScript, and an Example Glossary provides a quick lookup with an example script for all of the many actions, operators, functions, and properties. The book’s CD-ROM includes the source files (FLA) and the SWF files so that the reader can both examine the coding for all the projects and run them.
Key Features
· Major concepts are combined to show how to create more elaborate, elegant, and outstanding Flash™ movies.
· Set of ActionScript utilities and examples that can be used as a clear reference whenever a new scripting challenge is encountered.
· Learn strategy for integrating ActionScript into a Flash movie to produce a desired effect.
· Readers are shown basic algorithms for creating movies not possible without ActionScript.
· Each ActionScript will include examples for the reader to enter and test their understanding of concepts.
· Book arranged to take reader from a common base and build from one logical step to the next-eliminating getting lost in previous concepts. Designed as a confidence builder.
· Provides an active learning process for the reader, teaching the understanding of basic logic and structure of ActionScript in the context of Flash.
· Provides step-by-step understanding of how to use ActionScript in Flash movies.
· CD-ROM included with chapter quizzes created using ActionScript and Flash; lessons on how to CHEAT on given quizzes by taking them apart and looking at ActionScript for the right answer - teaching user how to read ActionScript; and, an example utility kit loaded with illustration that can be used for personal creations.
Author Profile
William B. Sanders (Bloomfield, CT) has written over 30 books in computer technology and programs with 20 focusing on computer programming and scripting. All of his books that deal with scripting or programming languages are designed to clarify how to use a language with clear explanations, lots of examples, and real world projects-and have some fun while learning. Dr. Sanders is a professor of Interactive Information Technology at the University of Hartford.
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