This is the manual for Feed Genie that allows you to get your favorite feeds as Data Sources directly in Dreamweaver! Now you can add the feed fields directly from the Data bindings panel to your page and any tag attributes as dynamic data! Use Feed Genie Repeater to display all the feed entries exactly the way you want. Choose from the many supplied standard feeds like Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Picasa but customize them with your own filters!
Feed Genie Manual
Become a Master Of Feeds
Video: Creating a YouTube Search Form
With this movie we will show you how to create a YouTube search form, display the results as thumbnails using Feed Genie ASP and play the videos within DMXzone Lightbox.
George Petrov
George Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.
George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder
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