The web development scene is moving forward at a lightning-fast pace, and it’s imperative that developers continue to keep their skills fresh. If you’ve been involved in front-end design or development in any form over the past five years or so, then it’s very likely that you’ve experimented at some point with one of the popular JavaScript libraries, many of which have become quite prominent and are now used on a number of large commercial websites.
In this article, Louis Lazaris will be introducing and laying the groundwork for advanced JavaScript development with one of the most popular JavaScript libraries available: jQuery.
Although there are many beginning tutorials online that can provide a great starting point for jQuery development, in this article he's hoping to go beyond just quick-start syntax and instead provide a solid overview of jQuery and discuss the benefits of using such a library. Of course, much of this information–outside of the syntax and other jQuery-specific details–will be applicable to any JavaScript library.
*Read the full article at the external site.
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