Specialization has made our trade a lot harder. Just 10 years ago it was still possible to make a quality site by yourself, today you need to take into account accessibility, strategy, content structures, browser compatibility, usability, flexibility and scalability. In all of these fields you will find people with specialized skills, but getting all of them on the same line isn't always easy. This article will dig a little deeper into the relationship between the html guy and the people implementing the html and how to improve it.
Key to a successful project is making sure the next node in line has a good understanding of what it is you just handed them. As a html and css guy I have to put my trust in the wireframers and designers. Whatever they give to me should be considered as their ultimate attempt at excellence. Of course, within whatever constraints the project is dictating (time, money, meddling clients, ...). My job is to honor their work as best as possible without hurting the goals and constraints I have to deal with.
After I finish my work the same process is repeated. I deliver static templates to the technical implementation team, which in their turn has to sculpt it into a working, living and breathing website. From experience I have learned this isn't always an easy process and based on the feedback I've been getting, similar questions keep popping up. Reason enough to take a good look at what the exact problems are we are facing.
*Read the full article at the external site.
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