Customize the content of the DMXzone tab Support
Customize the content of the DMXzone tab
How can I customize the content of the DMXzone tab on the Insert/Objects bar in Dreamweaver?
Note: be very carefull when trying does. Be aware of the disclaimer!
Users with multiple DMXzone extensions might find that the content of the DMXzone tab on the Insert bar is a bit messy. To structurize this some more, it is possible to set the order in which the extensions are displayed, as well as to add seperators to divide the extensions into multiple groups.
All the code needed to generate the Insert bar can be found in a file named insertbar.xml. This file can be found at the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Adobe\DreamweaverVersion\en_US\Configuration\Objects
Open the file insertbar.xml in Dreamweaver. Scroll all the way down until you reach the following code:
<category folder="DMXzone" id="DMXzone_Common" name="DMXzone">
This code defines the start of the DMXzone tab. The end of the DMXzone tab is defined by this code:
When editing, make sure you only edit the content within the DMXzone category!
Almost every item/button on the DMXzone tab has code similar to this:
<button file="DMXzone/Ajax Autocomplete.htm" id="DMX_AjaxAutocomplete" image="DMXzone/Ajax Autocomplete.gif" name="Ajax Autocomplete" />
Some items on the DMXzone tab are built as a menu containing multiple options (Lightbox for example). These items use a menubutton open and close tag.
<menubutton folder="" id="DMX_Lightbox" image="../Shared/DMXzone/dmxLightbox/img/icon_18x18.gif" name="DMXzone Lightbox">
When moving the code for one or more buttons or menus, be sure to move the complete code for that item!
To have the items on the DMXzone tab appear in groups, a seperator code can be used.
<separator />
Your code could end up looking somewhat like this, where 3 groups have been created:
<button file="DMXzone\DMXzone Updater.htm" id="DMX_updaterFav" image="DMXzone\DMXzone Updater.png" name="DMXzone Updater" />
<separator />
<button file="DMXzone\dmx3DPhotoWall.htm" id="DMX_3dPhotoWall" image="DMXzone\dmx3DPhotoWall.png" name="3D Photo Wall" />
<button file="DMXzone\dmxIimageflow.htm" id="DMX_imageflow" image="DMXzone\imageflow.gif" name="3D Imageflow Gallery" />
<button file="DMXzone\Active Slideshow Pro.htm" id="DMX_slideshowpro" image="DMXzone\Active Slideshow Pro.gif" name="Active Slideshow Pro" />
<button file="DMXzone\dmxCSSImgGal.htm" id="DMX_cssImgGal" image="DMXzone\dmxCSSImgGal.png" name="CSS Image Gallery" />
<button file="DMXzone\Flash Image Enhancer.htm" id="DMX_flashImageEnhancer" image="DMXzone\Flash Image Enhancer.gif" name="Flash Image Enhancer" />
<separator />
<button file="DMXzone/Ajax Autocomplete.htm" id="DMX_AjaxAutocomplete" image="DMXzone/Ajax Autocomplete.gif" name="Ajax Autocomplete" />
<button file="DMXzone\dmxMP3Player.htm" id="DMX_flashMP3Player" image="DMXzone\dmxMP3Player.png" name="Flash MP3 Player" />
<button file="DMXzone/dmxFeedTicker.htm" id="DMX_FeedTickerFav" image="DMXzone/dmxFeedTicker.gif" name="Feed Ticker" />
Your result in Dreamweaver could look somewhat like this:
Give it a try and see what happens! I'd really appreciate your feedback on your results! If you have any questions just let me know!
This is extra complimentary content which purpose is to show additional usage that is not part of the product, i.e. it suggests tips for extending the functionality of the product by the users themselves. It is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied , including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and nonfringement of third party rights.
DMXzone does not take responsibility to support the suggested content to be fully compatible and working as intended and does not provide support for extended functionality which is not included in the current release of the extension.
It is highly recommended that only more advanced developers use it.
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