Customize the Calendar icon
dmxcalendar icon
How can I customize the calendar icon, so it suites my layout?
Customizing the calendar icon is very easy. Go to ../Styles/YourTemplate/ and open calendar_icon.gif. Edit the image to suit your needs and save it to the same location. You can also save it as a different image. If you do this, you also have to edit the calendar code, to have the new image appear.
Open the page on which the Calendar has been placed, switch to Code View and find the Javascript code for the calendar. Edit the buttonImage to the new filename.
Your code should look like this:
duration : "slow",
showOn : "both",
buttonImage : "../Styles/dmxCalendar/calendar_new.gif",
buttonImageOnly : true,
regional : "nl",
prompt : "",
closeAtTop : false,
highlightWeek : true,
showOtherMonths : true,
defaultDate : "+0"
That's basically it. Preview the result on a live page and see what happens!
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