No matter where on the planet you are, the calendar speaks your language - supports 35 languages.
DMXzone Calendar Manual
Add a great looking calendar with many different styles and effects on your sites
No matter where on the planet you are, the calendar speaks your language - supports 35 languages.
Advanced: Editing the DMXzone Calendar with the Property Inspector
In this chapter we're going to edit the properties of the DMXzone Calendar using the property inspector of
Dreamweaver. Click on the preview of the Calendar
in the design view to display its properties.
Editing the Options
Editing the DMXzone Calendar Properties
The Date Fromat at the very top of
your table allows you to choose how you would like your dates to be displayed.
The following explains what the abbreviations mean:
- d - day of month (no leading zero)
- dd - day of month (two digit)
- D - day name short
- DD - day name long
- m - month of year (no leading zero)
- mm - month of year (two digit)
- M - month name short
- MM - month name long
- y - year (two digit)
- yy - year (four digit)
- '...' - literal text
- '' - single quote
The field is editable, so you can also add
your own date format.
Initial Date sets the date that you want to be highlighted when the calendar is first opened
(consequently, this could be changed by the user by choosing on another date).
The default option is "Today". There are 3 ways to set a date. One is to select
an option from the drop-down menu such as "Days before today" and enter the
number of days you want in the popup dialogue. Another way is to click on the
calendar icon and set the date and the third way is to get the date from a
recordset, from an already database (click the lightning bolt) which contains
dates listed in the following formats:
"Month dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss"
"October 12, 1988 13:14:00".
"Month dd, yyyy"
"October 12, 1988"
If a specific time zone is to be kept, your date format will should look
something like this:
"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT-0400" where " GMT -0400" is
your server specific time zone.
If you do not enter the specific time zone, the calendar will assume the time
zone of the place it is viewed at.
You can read more about this here
Note that this option will work only if the calendar text field is empty. If a
particular date or range is appointed in the text field, it will overwrite the Initial
Date settings.
The Min. Date option lets you
choose the date BEFORE which the dates will be inactive. In our case we select
the 5th, which makes the 1st through the 4th inactive and grayed out.
The Max. Date option lets you
choose the date AFTER which the dates will be inactive. In our case we select
the 20th, which makes the rest of the dates in that month inactive and grayed
Name/ID gives
the Calendar a unique ID which is then used to recognize this specific
Again, here you can edit the Language of your calendar. We leave it at
The Show on option controls how the user interacts with the
calendar. Select "button" If you want your calendar to appear by clicking on a
button or icon. If you want your users to access the calendar with the tab
button or just by clicking in the field then select "focus". If you would like
to combine these two options select "focus and button". We select the last as
our choice.
Again, as in the extension dialogue, here
you can change the Style of your Calendar. We leave it at Flora.
Choose the Show Effect and Effect
Duration of your animation. The difference here is that the Effect
Duration field is editable as well as functioning as a drop-down menu. You
can select from the predefined speeds or you can enter your own keeping in mind
that 1 second is equal to 1000.
Show Status Bar should be checked here as well since we selected it from
the extension popup in the previous chapter.
Save your files, upload them to your server and the end result would look
similar to this:
Lubov Cholakova
Lubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.