3D ImageFlow Gallery Reference

Dazzle your viewers with 3D photo navigation. Create an amazing gallery with cool  perspective effects in seconds and give your photos stunning 3d and camera effects.  The component is fully ActionScript 2 compatible.

Make sure to take a look at the online documentation as well.





Property; a string that indicates the URL of the xml to be loaded.


The following example creates a Gallery instance, my_gallery, and a Button instance and sets the c. Add the xmlPath to the location where the gallery xml is located. Next the example creates a listener for the click event on the button. When the user clicks the button, the event handler calls the my_gallery.load() to load the xml.

Drag a Gallery component and a Button component from the Component panel to the Library, then add the following code to Frame 1 in the timeline:

this.createClassObject(com.flzone.imageflow.Gallery, " my_gallery ", 10);
this.createClassObject(mx.controls.Button, "load_button", 20, {label:"Load"});
my_gallery.xmlPath = "gallery.xml";
var buttonListener:Object = new Object();
buttonListener.click = function(evt_obj:Object) {
load_button.addEventListener("click", buttonListener);


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