Flash MP3 Player Manual
This cool Dreamweaver extension lets your users enjoy a great Flash MP3 player on your website within a few clicks and with no Flash knowledge at all! Just select your favourite songs and a fancy skin and the extension creates a Flash MP3 Player for your website. The song title is displayed together with all the necessary controls in a cool fully stylable interface.
Installing the extension
Read the tutorial at http://www.dmxzone.com/ShowDetail.asp?NewsId=4671
Login, download the product, and lookup your serial at http://www.dmxzone.com/myZone.asp?Section=purchases
Get the latest extension manager 1.8 from Adobe at
Open the .mxp file (the extension manager should start-up) and install the extension.
If you experience problems please read the FAQ at http://www.dmxzone.com/index.asp?TypeId=7&CatId=687
before contacting support.