then depends on the length of the columns you might end up with a line shorter than the column with the content.
This tutorial explains how to design two column css layout with a line dividing left column from the right going through the whole length of the page, regardless of the length of the columns.
Two column layout using css and divider image
This tutorial explains how to design two column css layout with a line dividing left column from the right going through the whole length of the page, regardless of the length of the columns. Some time ago I was trying to figure out how to create two column css layout where left column will be divided from the right one with a vertical line.
It would be simple when you are trying to use a table layout - simply apply a left border to the right column and done, but I wanted to do completely table-less layout. When you use border in css for left or right
Sebastian Sulinski
Sebastian Sulinski is a web designer/developer with over 8 years experience. Education: BTEC HNC in Computing (Business Information Technology) followed by a Degree in Digital Media Development.
Sebastian is the director of Core Media Design Limited in Frome, Somerset.
2 column layout
Sebastian, thanks for that tutorial.
I have a problem with it. i want to be able to hide the left column, so dont want a background image but a border on the right of the left div. in your solution the left div is still only small but i want the left div to be 100% of its parent, the container. IF you understand what i mean.
Regards, Michael
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