Consume XML via an .asp url

How to do I consume an xml feed that is called with an .asp page? A url such as: / returns an xml feed: <startdate/> <location/> <price/> </class> </schedule> </div> <div class="item"> </div> <div id="comments"> <div class="subarticle"> <h2>Comments</h2> <div class="item article-body clearfix"> <div style="margin-bottom:15px;border-bottom:1px solid #e3e4df;" class="clearfix"> <div style="float:right;"> </div> <div style="float:left;width:80px;height:80px;"> <img src="downloads/images/carlgrint3_bewerkt_3.jpg" style="max-width:64px;max-height:64px;border-radius:50%;" alt="" /> </div> <div> <h4 style="margin:0">Feeds</h4> <div style="font-size:14px;margin-bottom:10px;"><span style="color:#999;">May 25, 2007</span> by <a href="/user/25334/">Carl Grint</a></div> <div style="margin-bottom:16px;">As the output is an XML feed it actually does not matter that the generating page is ASP. I do this myself, to generate from the database the details for my RSS feeds. <br /><br /> You will be looking to consume the XML feed into your page, so you are just looking for an ASP coding to accept the RSS feed, a quick Google will bring up a good range of coding example for this.</div> </div> </div> </div> <p><b>You must me logged in to write a comment.</b></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="right cat647"> <div class="item card border-color-red clearfix" style="border-top: 4px solid;"> <p style="margin-top: 0; text-align: center;"><img src="/downloads/IdImages/wappdwnl1.png"></p> <p>Download <b>The Most Advanced Web App Builder</b> in the world!</p> <p>Wappler is the <b>DMXzone-made Dreamweaver replacement</b> and includes the best of our powerful extensions, as well as much more!</p> <a class="btn btn-small btn-red pull-right" href="">Download now for FREE</a> </div> <div class="item card border-color-gold clearfix" style="border-top: 4px solid;"> <h4 style="border: none; padding: 0;">Extension Manager</h4> <p>The DMXzone Extension Manager is an application that will make your life easier. 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