
April 22, 2007 by Carl Grint
Within ASP Upload, you have the option to create a folder within your destination folder, check out the help file...you can either create these from a value the user enters, such as a form field, or even passed on their name, say if they are logged into your site. You can set it so the full path of the file is stored in your database instead of just the file name, or just add the path to the output, so the user can see where it is stored (my preferred option)

RE: Options

May 29, 2007 by Rob Carpenter

That sounds like great advice and I'll certainly do it.

Now if I can only figure out the rest of my request or somehow get DMXZone to give me the updates that I requested. Heck, I'm more than willing to pay for the mods.

Anybody else have trouble getting DMXZone to create customizations for them? If you have any suggestions on how I can get them to respond and/or do what I ask; I would love to hear how I can motivate them.

