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Styling Flex components
One common requirement for developers is to be able to change the appearance of the components in their applications. In Flex, there are lots of ways that you can do this including working with CSS, ActionScript and adding skins or themes.
In this article, I'm going to explore the first two methods. I'll show you how CSS styles work in Flex and how to write ActionScript to create, modify and remove style declarations.
Even though you could use any text editor, I've assumed that you're working with Flex Builder for this article. I've also assumed that you're familiar with Flex Builder and that you've already built some simple applications. If not, you may want to go back and read some earlier articles in this series.
Sas Jacobs
Hello. I'm the Principal of Anything Is Possible, an Australian web development business specialising in web applications development and training. I'm interested in using Flash with dynamic content and I've presented at a number of International conferences on topics relating to applications development, XML and scripting components. I have recently released my second print book Beginning XML with DOM and Ajax to match the first one - Foundation XML for Flash. I have a business web site
and a personal web site.