Close popup with javascript
Is there a javascript function to close the popup, so that I can attach it to a button within the page loaded within it. Reloading the page is not an option, as I'm working with loads of ajax panels, which would then be reset.
You can easily close the popup window by following the next steps:
- Give your layer popup window a name. You can do this in the Adv Layer Popup options. make sure it starts with capital letter, like MyWindow
- Create a button or link that you want to use for closing
- Add the behavior call javascript on the onclick of the button or link
- use the following javascript:
Note: As you can see I've prefixed the window name with dmxPopup - this is necessary so don't forget it!
Note2: If you want to put the close command in the layer popup window self you must prefix it with parent:
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Close and refresh parent
Hello George, Thanks for the snippet.
I want to be able to use this but in a thank you page. i.e I have a popup layer with an insert behaviour. when that insert is submitted the user is taken to a thank you page shown inside the pop up layer.
What I would be grateful for is help to close my thank you page after 2 seconds and refresh the parent page. I add below what I have tried but couldnt get it to work. below closes the p[op up layer but does not refresh the parent.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="utf-8"">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
function init()
setTimeout("parent.cDMXPopupWindow.closeWindow('dmxPopupMYWINDOW'); top.location.reload(true);",2000);
thanks you
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