Ajax Case Study: Real Estate Listings – Part 2

Welcome to the second of this three part series of articles. In this series, we’re working through a case study by building a simple Ajax-style application that manages real estate listings. The data for the application comes from a series of XML documents that are transformed with XSLT stylesheets. Users can sort the list of properties for sale and view the details of each listing.

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The following screenshot shows the initial presentation of the application.

Sas Jacobs

Sas JacobsHello. I'm the Principal of Anything Is Possible, an Australian web development business specialising in web applications development and training. I'm interested in using Flash with dynamic content and I've presented at a number of International conferences on topics relating to applications development, XML and scripting components. I have recently released my second print book Beginning XML with DOM and Ajax to match the first one - Foundation XML for Flash. I have a business web site
and a personal web site.

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