Create quickly and easy amazing inline Layer Popups with the Advanced Layer Popup extension. Inline Layer Popups can be displayed much faster, will not be blocked by any browser and are much more user friendly. Apply rich designs, include and auto-fit photos, slideshows, movies, alerts or other content in your inline popups. Apply special incoming effects and place your popups anywhere you like on your site.
Advanced Layer Popup Manual
Frequently asked questions
When to use Advanced Layer Popup
Q: When should I use Advanced Layer Popup
A: Advanced Open Layer Popup is a dreamweaver behavior that enables you to create a popup window to open a new url. The window can contain images, text, flash or quick movies. Examples are a poll, advertising, slideshow, news, etc.
Creating link to a popup window
Q: How do I link to a popup window so that you can see the hand when you mouseover?
A: Before you apply the Open Layer Popup behavior make either the text or the image a link by placing # in the link box in the properties palette.
What can you use in a popup window
Q: Can I use only images in the popup window?
A: Popups aren't for pictures only. Anything that can be inserted into an HTML page can also be implemented into a new window. Text, Flash, Quick-time movies, Windows Media Player, etc.
What is a behavior in Dreamweaver?
Q: What is a behavior in Dreamweaver?
A: A Behavior is some Action that is associated with some Event. Since different objects have different behaviors that can be associated with them, the list of actions varies depending on what object tag is currently selected.
George Petrov
George Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.
George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder