Does this work on a MAC
Can't get it to work...
Is there any support for this?
I can't get it to work. I'm also using a Max...could this be the problem?
In the first article we look at all of the associate technology; the XML file, the CSS file and the containing HTML file. In part two, we are going to focus mainly on the JavaScript, with perhaps a little bit more CSS and a few HTML updates towards the end. Most of the code in this article will be JavaScript, but there will also be elements of the DOM that we'll use as well. Getting familiar with DOM scripting is an excellent road to learning the basics of AJAX but it shouldn't be confused with AJAX because it lacks some of the fundamental methods involved such as the use of the xmlHTTP object.
The first thing we want the search script to do is to open the XML file to get the list of URLs that should be included in the search. As those of you that read the article on generating a sitemap will know, this is easily done with a very small cross-browser function. In a text editor, start with the following:
var searchword;
var doc;
var urls;
var controlvar;
var urldata = new Array();
A set of global variables, which we'll make use of in several of our functions, and an array, the use of which will become apparent towards the end of the JavaScript file. The first function, to be called on the main search pages onload event, will be as follows (readers of my previous tutorial will find this very familiar!):
Dan Wellman is an author and web developer based in the UK. Dan has written three books so far; the latest, jQuery UI 1.7: The User Interface Library for jQuery, was released at the end of 2009.
Dan has been writing web development tutorials for over 5 years and works by day for a local digital media agency in his home town of Southampton.