From the Backcover
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is the most practical and efficient resource you can get to enter the exciting world of AJAX. This book will teach you how to create better PHP Web Applications by using the AJAX technologies to their full potential.
In detail
After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through detailed real-world case studies covering relevant patterns and best practices that you can use for your own applications:
- As server-enabled form-validation page
- An online chat collaboration tool
- Ac customized type-ahead text entry solution
- Real-Time Charting using SVG
- A database-enabled, editable, and customizable data grid
- An RSS aggregator application
- A server-managed sortable list with drag-and-drop support using the script.aculo.us JavaScript toolkit.
What you will learn from this book
The book takes you from an introduction to AJAX, PHP and MySQL to building real world applications.
Who this book is written for
This book is for users who have a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript, and MySQL. It focuses on how to build AJAX applications which use these technologies. The many real world applications offer useful information for all levels of users.
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is a well structured book with a clear layout. The design isn't extremely stylish but as with most programming books it is very functional. The only small remark is that it would have helped if the code blocks would have a different background or marking to separate them from the text to allow a user to quickly scan over what he is about to do before entering the actual code itself. This book covers the necessary theory but it's main focus is on building AJAX applications that use PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL. All in all we recommend this book to anyone who wants to build applications with AJAX and PHP.
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