How to update existing pages from Pure Upload 2 to Pure Upload 3
After upgrading to Pure Upload 3, I get a popup that Smart Image Processor requires pure upload, what should I do?
After upgrading to Pure Upload 3, I get a popup that Smart Image Processor requires pure upload, what should I do?
Here are a few easy steps to update all your pages;
- Install Pure ASP Upload 3
- Open your Pure ASP Upload 2 page
- Select the Pure ASP Upload 3 Server Behaviour from the server behaviors pallette using the [+] DMXzone /Pure ASP Upload 3 option
- You'll see an alert with a confirmation for the conversion from version 2 to version 3
- The old properties from version 2 will be retained in the new Pure ASP Upload 3 screen, make sure you verify that all information is correct
- Click on ok to apply the behavior
- An alert will be sure that your files are replaces, make sure you upload the files to your server
- If you get a message that Smart Image Processor requires Pure Upload, just press ok.
This process updates the ASP file in the general ScriptLibrary folder so a single page update is enough.
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