Trouble with error message

July 9, 2006 by David Probst

When implementing this code I keep receiving the error below, has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone offer a solution?

This error can appear if you have attempted to save a recurring Lunar appointment in iCalendar format.

To avoid this error, set the appointment option to Gregorian instead of Lunar.

RE: Trouble with error message

July 10, 2006 by Kevin Koch


This error is most common when an incorrect start/end date is provided, or there are invalid characters in the msg body. Ensure the start/end dates include time values and also ensure the body does not include line break characters

RE: RE: Trouble with error message

July 10, 2006 by David Probst

Thank you for taking the time to review this.

I have double checked and both those requirements have been met. I have included a screen shot below.