Search engine here

June 22, 2006 by Sss Rrr
If all you need php and mysql for is to build a search engine, that's a huge amount of work, especially for a beginner. Here is a site that provides a perl script that works very well. I use it on several of my sites. Best of all, it's freeware/shareware. Btw, I just finished installing mysql and php on Apache, and it's no fun at all, believe me. I couldn't find any intelligible tutorials and had to use trial and error. Some of the binaries (precompiled versions for your platform) had compiling errors which made getting everything working even harder. There are some instructions for setting up these apps in the book "Professional PHP4" (Wrox Publishers) but the instructions are a bit dated (it's 2002).

Need the Book

August 9, 2007 by Nirmala Baloorkar

Need the simple beginner book for the above said subject.