Video library

April 1, 2006 by Carl Grint
You could store the file names in your database just as you would a image, uploading the video to the server via the form and possibly DMXZone's Pure Upload extension.

Regarding viewing these video's I would guess you would need to look into whether you wish to embed them or play them via their 'parent' application, such as Windows Media Player, Real Player, Quicktime etc.

If you simply want to show a link to the video and have the visitor chose which application to watch them with, then that is quick and easy, just place place the Title with a link to the video file.

If you wish to actually have the video play in the browser, embeded as it was, then you would need the embeding code for each format, but this would be possible using an IF statement to check the type and then pulling in the required code to embed the video.

If you would like help in completing this, do feel free to email via my contact form at: