Free! - Creating samples for your clients with Photoshop and Fireworks

If you have clients that you need to send site samples to, then you won't want to miss these 2 movie tutorials! I always do all my site designs in Fireworks. You can design multiple variations and even completely different designs by using the Frames panel in Fireworks.



Just remember that if you change the background color then it changes for all other Frames. So to change the background, add a rectangle to cover the entire canvas and drag it to the bottom of the Layers panel. Lock it so it doesn't shift when you move things around.

Each Frame is independent of the others. If you delete an object in one Frame it does not affect any other Frame.

The first movie will show you how to get the samples from Fireworks and ready for the client to view.


The second movie movie I use Photoshop CS2 to make an image viewer for the client to view your samples. You won't believe how easy and fast it is! The client will be able to easily compare each sample and even approve or not AND leave you feedback on each image. They can then send you their feedback via email.

Once you get your clients feedback you can make the changes and prepare for the web.

If you want to learn how to design an entire web site from start to finish using Fireworks and Dreamweaver (using CSS positioning and NO tables) then be sure to check out "Web Page in a Day!" CD training movies by Joyce J.Evans

Web Page in a Day! CD training now available at

Joyce Evans

Joyce EvansJoyce J. Evans Joyce is a training veteran with over 14 years of experience in educational teaching, tutorial development, and Web design. She has been asked to speak at conferences such as Macromedia MAX, TODCON, DESIGN FEST and SEYBOLD.

Joyce has received Editors Choice Awards for her book Fireworks 4 F/X and Design and has authored over 10 books on Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Web Design. Her current offering is a CD "Web Page in a Day" which teaches you how to build a site start to finish.

Joyce was a Team Macromedia Volunteer and now an Adobe Community Professional.

She can be reached at Her Web site is and Idea Design

Joyce lives with her husband, teenage son and daughter, dog, cat and horse, in the Tampa Bay area in Florida. When Joyce isn't working she can be found enjoying the many fruit trees and palms in her yard or at the beach.

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