
January 31, 2006 by Aron K

please check out this tutorial:


- aron

Spreadsheet solution

February 2, 2006 by Eric Roberts

Check out the Jakarta Apache project and their POI HSSF java classes.  If you are doing this in CF, tehy blend in very nicely (a quick search on this with ColdFusion in the search params will get you a site that shows you how to do all this in CF really easily).  I just finished up a contract gig where I created an alternative to thie current ASP driven process that requires that Excel be installed on thier production server (big no no heheh).  The ASP process took about 14-17 seconds to run on a dual hyperthreaded processor box.  The HSSF java methods took about 4 seconds on a single processor unit.  Definitely worth cheking out.  The end result with POI is that you have some very professional looking spreadsheets as you can apply styles and other formatting to the sheet programatically.