Free! - mini review and competition of the Content Management Bible

From the back cover;

The leading reference on content management just got better...
How do you keep ahead of the onslaught of information? How do you produce multiple Web sites plus other publications from one pool of content? Can you be confident your content delivers maximum value to your organization? You'll find out in this landmark volume, now completely updated to cover the newest concepts and technologies in this fast-growing field. Responding to your requests and suggestions, Bob Boike has added jumpstarts, expanded explanations, real world examples from leading CM professionals, a comprehensive CM technology taxonomy, and so much more. It's the last word on content management.

Inside you'll find complete coverage of content management concepts and methodology

  • Get full support for your system by serving your organization's highest goals
  • Analyze and overcome the toughest information management issues in your organization
  • Serve the most important people the most important information in the form they most want
  • Run professional and efficient CM projects
  • Make smart choices when choosing CM hardware and software
  • Use or create the most effective CM and XML technologies
  • Automate and systematize content while enhancing the relationship between author and audience
  • Create content repositories where the knowledge of your contributors is made accessible through metadata
  • Produce a wide range of targeted Web sites, PDA applications, print materials, and other custom publications from the same information base.



First of all this book is more for project managers then programmers as the book is more about Content Management in general and not specifically on programming content management systems. The book is very extensive, sometimes too extensive, especially for smaller content management solutions. The readability could be improved by using the side bars of the book and supporting the content with better graphics and illustrations. All in all, this book is very interesting to read, although the shear size of it is not for your coffee table it can be very useful during a project as a reference.

Win one of the ten copies of this book!

The friendly people of Wiley are giving away 10 books. All you need to do, to enter the competition is, to download the extract (press read more and then download sample PDF on your right), which is all about cataloguing audiences and answer the following question:

  • What is the exact description of localization within the book?

Send your answer to this e-mail address before Thursday the 24th of November 2005.

Good Luck!


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