
September 15, 2005 by Marcellino Bommezijn

I have got bad experience with the Ektron WYSIWYG editor (lack of functionality) and now they are trying to push this into Dreamweaver also!!!!!!!! Looking at the Flash demo it is bag full of $$$$$ for nothing much fancy.


Was this a paid article by Ektron?

August 19, 2010 by Dissatisfied Ektron User

Ektron is one of the worst products I have had the displeasure to have to work with. The company I consult for had Ektron build their site out in CMS 400.NET. The implementation was EXTREMELY sloppy and amateurish. Although the CMS includes the jQuery library, form validation was attempted through inline Javascript that reported errors one at a time in popup alerts. The site was riddled with bugs and support was virtually non-existent. Content managers were afraid to submit content unless a developer was on hand for fear of something breaking.

Use this product at your own risk!!