- Fully integrated in Dreamweaver;
- interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need;

- an inline property inspector so that you can easily change visual options later on

- Live preview in Dreamweaver:
- With a single click on the preview button in DW you can see
within Dreamweaver itself how your photo album will look like and
navigate within the photos!

- Cool transition effects and easy navigation
- Navigation within the photo album has never being easier
- Automatically generated thumbnails
- Auto generate your thumbnails with the right size and crop them if needed
- Automatically generates and edits photos XML file
- The extension creates the photo album XML files fully for you!
No need to dig in a difficult XML format everything is fully visual now
- Images are automatically scaled in the Flash viewer
- The Flash Viewer is using a smart imaging technique so that your images always fit in the display
- Original images can be automatically resized to fit the specified size while the proportions are maintained
- Extended viewer properties
- Adjust the viewer to fully fit your needs and site layout. You
can set number of options like title of the gallery, text color, frame
color and width as well layout and navigation
New in Flash Album Generator Version 2
the great features from version 1 of the extension, like the DW
integration and the rich set of gallery options stay the same.
We have build in our own Flash Gallery Viewer and no longer use the third party components.
This allows us to provide you with a new rich set of options without requiring any additional products! Everything is now integrated in one extension.
The new Flash Gallery Viewer from DMXzone includes the following new features:
- Gallery images are loaded on demandThis is a huge
difference between the old and the new version as the old version
always loaded the full gallery even if the user just viewed a few
photos. Now everything is loaded on demand with a nice progress.
- Thumbnails
with popup effect, rounded corners and shadowsNow your thumbnails look
even cooler with sweet rouded corners, alpha shadows and slick popup
- Gallery images and thumbnails are better alignedIt
is much easier now to align your images and thumbnails by just
specifying how much space the main image takes from the viewer – the
rest is calculated automatically.
- Gallery and image titles
are now displayed much betterThe gallery title is now always on the top
side of your main image in the viewer and the image title is always
below it.
- Rich set of image transitionsNow you can choose
from 12 different image effects for the transitions between the photos.
You can also choose to use them all by selecting the random option.
- More options for the thumbnails viewYou can customize the thumbnails even further with more colors to suit your design.
- Smart thumbnails stripThe thumbnails layout has been improved so they fit the available space.
- Extended
error checking and reportingNow when something is wrong with your xml
or if images are missing on your server you get much better and more
user friendly error messages.
- Easy conversion from the
previous versionWe provide a new command in DW so that you can easily
convert your old galleries to the new version. Just run the “Convert Flash Album 1 to 2” command and you are ready!
- Rich
Property Inspector for DreamweaverThe property inspector in Dreamweaver
now offers a richer set of options so that you can customize you
gallery after it is generated so it fits your site perfectly.
- Fast loadingThe componenet is only 40k and has an intelligent image pre-loader
- Intuitive
navigationClear thumbnails and multiple navigation options and keyboard
commands (left and right arrows to switch between the images) provide
an optimal user experience.
- Customizable interface Set text color, frame color and width, navigation position.
- Cross platform (requires Flash 7 or higher).Runs on all browsers
Want more?
Do you like the Flash Album Generator 2 and want to go even further by offering full online editable flash galleries? Check the Dynamic Flash Gallery for ASP, PHP and ASP.NET