
June 22, 2005 by Bert Ingolf
followed extensions are there to solve this problem: Auto Title Untitled Documents 1.0.0 (MX42622_AutoTitle.mxp): This extension automatically sets the TITLE tag of Untitled Documents to the name of the file, minus the extension, when the file is saved. This hopefully provides a resonable title; at least one that is better than the default 'Untitled Document'. JustSo.Titler.v1.0.2 (JustSoTitler.mxp, http:www.valleywebdesigns.com ): Who among us has not been embarrassed to get that call from a client: "Hey, how come lots of our webpages are named 'Untitled Document'" or just as bad, is titled with the page's abstruse filename? Well, this Extension is here to save you from such ignominy. When a document is Saved, JustSo Titler runs automatically, checking for the presence of a valid Title. If the Title tag is missing, blank, or contains that ugly term "Untitled," you are given a chance to add or edit it. There is also an option to replace the title with a default value which you may set for each Site. You may even use an asterisk (*) as a wild-card to insert the document's filename into the Title and Default Title strings.

go dynamic

June 26, 2005 by Carl Grint
If you have such a large number of pages, it could be time to use a database, and set the Title of the page from the recordset on your page.

This would also have the added benefit of having less pages to look after, as if you have a design/layout for al these pages which is uniform, you can use an ID to filter the content, just as you see here on dmxzone.