Free! - Mini-review Designing Web Usability

About the book
Designing a web site that meets all of it's communication goals is an art that many designers have yet to master. A lot of people think that when a website looks great the design is good, however Jakob Nielsen shows there is more to it. Packed with of real life Web sites, this book sets out many of the design views that, if it's up to Nielsen, should become a standard for all Web developers.

The author uses statistics to support his claims, making him very credible. He includes survey results of screen sizes, types of queries submitted to search portals, response times by connection type and more. This book is intended as the first of two volumes--focusing on the "what." The second part shows the "hows".


What you will learn
Page and content design, Cross-platform design, response time considerations, linking writing for the Web, multimedia implementation, navigation strategies, search boxes, corporate intranet design, accessibility for disabled users, international considerations, and future predictions. Jakob pays no attention to marketing issues, such as branding, creating demand or giving the customer an unforgetable experience. The area of design is very broad so it is perfectly understandable he can't focus on all aspects of designing.

Who should buy this book?
If you're looking for a simple, well-written, and well-illustrated book which discusses the general guide lines for web usability, page design, content design, site design, intranet design, accessibility for users with disabilities, international use, future directions, and simplicity, you should get this book.

Although the book is around for a few years now, most of the principles of good design still apply. However Jakob does present his ideas as Rules You Must Follow, rather than observations or suggestions. And if there is one thing to learn about design is that there are always exceptions to the rules. However if you're looking for a general, good guide line on web usability this book is well worth reading. 


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