Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer Study Guide
ColdFusion's popularity continues to grow, and along with that so has the demand for experienced developers. Once upon a time claiming to be a ColdFusion developer was easy - the product was simple enough that with a minimal investment of time and energy developers could realistically consider themselves experts. This is not the case anymore. The product line has grown both in actual products and in their complexity, and the levels of expertise and experience among developers are diverse. Claiming to be an expert is not that easy, and recognizing legitimate expertise is even harder.
And this is where certification comes into play. Formal official certification helps to mark a threshold that explicitly separates developers by their knowledge and experience, making is possible to identify who is who.
The Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer certification is not an easy exam, and examinees are tested on a wide range of topics – from ColdFusion and CFML to SQL and database concepts to HTML and Internet fundamentals. Being Certified as an Certified Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer is even harder, most examinees do not attain this level of certification. And that's why you need this book
To prepare for your exam you should start at the beginning of the book and systematically work you way through it. The book flow, layout, and form-factor have all been especially designed to make reviewing content as pleasant an experience as possible. The content has been designed to be highly readable, and digestible in small bite sized chunks so that it'll feel more like reading that studying.
Once you have reviewed all content, reread the topics that you feel you need extra help brushing up on. Topics are all covered in highly focused and very manageable (and cross referenced) chapters so that you can easily drill-down to the exact content you need.
Even after the exam, you'll find that the style and design of this book makes it an invaluable desktop reference tool as well.
And as an added bonus, this book contains a coupon for 15% off the exam fee (so you'll get most of the cost of the book back). So, grab your copy of this title, book your exam, and get ready to be recognized as one of the best of the best.
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