
The BlueDragon Server family of stand-alone Java-based servers (Server and Server JX) enables the basic deployment of CFML. Both BlueDragon Server versions contain a built-in web server for development and testing, and each integrates with Microsoft IIS, Sun ONE/Netscape/iPlanet (JX only), and Apache web servers for deployment.

Looking to replace CFML with ASP or PHP due to budgetary reasons? Stick with CFML instead, and deploy with the base version of BlueDragon Server on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux platforms for FREE! BlueDragon 6.2 Server includes support for CFCs, XML, Web Services, and Java and C++ CFX tags. hosting and redistribution*. Functionality is robust and useful for most basic CFML applications. See the BlueDragon Feature Comparisons matrix for more information on the differences between BlueDragon Server and BlueDragon Server JX.