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verify the confirmation of pasword

Posted 24 Jul 2001 22:11:09
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24 Jul 2001 22:11:09 anouar stevens posted:
i want to ceate a form of inscription who the personne can enter his login and his pasword so i have thow text field of pasword one to right the pasword and the seconde to veify if it the some password , so how i can to do ?
and think's
anouar<font face='Comic Sans MS'></font id='Comic Sans MS'><center></center>


Replied 25 Jul 2001 19:42:12
25 Jul 2001 19:42:12 Dennis van Galen replied:
Hi Anouar,

The first thing you want to do is go to the macromedia extension site, then we want to download the JIK extension (Javascript Integration Kit for Macromedia Flash 5), this is used for controlling Flash animations in UDev pages, but we're not going to use it for that, atleast not in this example !

We will be using the validation options that are in this extension <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

First setup the two password fields, then select the first password field and apply a "Advanced Form Validations -&gt; Entry Length Validation" set it so that "Value (required)" and "strip spaces" are both checked, then set the length range say between 6 and 8 characters and type a nice error message. When that's done, click on ok.

Now select the verification password field and apply a "Advanced Form Validations -&gt; Like Entry Validation" to it, set it up so that the FIRST password field is the Source field and the check (this one) is the target, select both "clear on error" and "case sensitive" so that both are checked and set a nice error message, something like "The two password fields don't match, please try again." You can also use the other validations on the other fields and finally you add "Advanced Validate Form" tell it what form we are checking, make the "Stop on first error" checked, type a error message like "Your registration can't be submitted yet" then select "Automatically submit if no errors occur" and press the "ok" button.

And voila, you have your password check <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

I hope this makes enough sense to you so you can get it to work.

With kind regards,

Dennis van Galen
Webmaster SPG Finance
KPN Telecom Holland N.V.

With regards,

Dennis van Galen
Webmaster SPG Finance
KPN Telecom Holland NV

Edited by - djvgalen on 07/25/2001 19:44:36
Replied 26 Jul 2001 01:22:52
26 Jul 2001 01:22:52 Waldo Smeets replied:
I think there is an easier solution. Go to, browse to Dreamweaver &gt; Behaviors and download the extension named Compare Fields 1.1 (29/01/2001). This does exactly what you want it to do.

BTW: both solutions given in this topic are client site. Let us know when you are in need of a server side solution (most of the time the client site ones are adviced).

Waldo Smeets - Webmaster
------------------------------------------ : A dynamic Dreamweaver,
Ultradev and Fireworks site for developers
by developers.
Replied 26 Jul 2001 22:31:48
26 Jul 2001 22:31:48 Dennis van Galen replied:
Yes Waldo, you are correct, what you say is easier.
But that JIK extension is pretty cool, it installs 18 new form validations in your Behaviors window (not server behavior) and some other cool Behaviors and a command with some good scripts, i wouldn't have mentioned it if i didn't have a good reason...

Some of the form validations are:
- No blank validation
- Credit card validation
- email validation
- Alpha Numeric validation
- Date validation
- Entry length validation
- Floating point validation
- Integer validation
- International phone validation
- Like entry validation
- Mask validation validation
- Radio button validation
- Selection in list validation
- URL validation

and some others, the flash controls include:
- Fast forward
- Load movie
- goto frame
- goto frame based on cookie
- pan
- play
- rewind
- zoom
and offcourse the awesome Dispatcher behavior !

some of the script functions:
- Set cookie from flash movie
- open new window
- images rollover from flash movie
- set list values from flash movie

This really is a awesome extension, i can't believe Macromedia didn't include it in the package, or it could be that they developed it when the full program was allready released.

Either way, no selfrespecting serious UDev/Dreamweaver/Flash developer should be without this.

Best of all, it's free, but as with the new Ultracart 2, it would certainly earn it's money back after 1 or 2 projects.

Why are you still reading ?
go now and download it !

With kind regards,

Dennis van Galen
Webmaster SPG Finance
KPN Telecom Holland NV

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