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Setting up SMTP w/Win2k IIS5.0 ?

Posted 15 Jul 2001 18:35:24
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15 Jul 2001 18:35:24 Adam Cronin posted:

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a tutorial or something, to help me get SMTP setup on my server. Ive found all the settings for SMTP but havent a clue as to what should be set to what.
If anyone could help, that would be great <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>


Replied 26 Jul 2001 20:06:07
26 Jul 2001 20:06:07 Jean-Marie Bonnar replied:
Hello Kronin,

In the recently released book, Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 The Complete Reference by Ray West, Tom Muck, and Tom Allen there is an excellent tutorial on this in chapter 2 that includes screen shots.

Basically, to send CDO (Collaborative Data Objects) mail you will need two components set up on your server--the SMTP server AND the cdonts.dll file. To set these up involves two parts which will be briefly explained:

#1 Register the cdonts.dll file. Although IIS5.0 comes with CDO, The CDonts.dll file must be registered to be able to use it. To make sure cdonts.dll is registered:
A. Use the Run dialog box from the Windows NT (or 2000) start menu and type the following: regsvr32 c:\winnt\system32\cdonts.dll (this is the default installation path for Windows NT and Windows 2000). You should use the path of your system folder in place of c:\winnt\system32 if yours is different for some reason.
B. If the registration completes successfully, you will get a confirmation dialog box telling you that the registration of cdonts.dll succeeded.

#2 Set up your IIS/Default SMTP server:
A. Set up IIS to send mail by first opening the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
B. In the left hand pane, expand the internet Information Server section, and select and expand your IIS server.
C. Click on Default SMTP Server and select Properties.
D. Select the Delivery tab.
E. In the Fully Qualified Domain Name text box, enter the IIS computer name or IP address.
F. Additionally, in the Smart Host text box, also enter the name or IP address.
In this case, the name will be the same in both since you are using an SMTP server on the IIS server.
**NOTE--Whether you use the simple names of the computers in the SMTP setup or the full Internet addresses depends on whether you will be accessing these machines over a LAN or over the web.

That should do it! Your server should now be set up with a default SMTP server and the necessary CDO (Collaborative Data Objects) files.
I hope this is helpful to you.


Replied 22 Jan 2006 20:01:47
22 Jan 2006 20:01:47 Gareth Tannatt Nash replied:

I would be really grateful if you could help me with this - I'm developing an ASP MS SQL application, i've bought and installed Smartmailer and my development platform is XP Pro so by default i'm using CDOSYS. However i'm having huge problems setting the default SMTP virtual server correctly. in that it either takes hours / days to send the email, or replicates the email several times (hundreds) and then continues sending them. I need to get it to the stage whereby should a user submit an article / responce or request a password reminder, the email is sent immediatley (ideally just the once!) I also am trying to understand two sections in the Smartmailer user interface -
Use Queue to Send Mail & Timeout - please could you explain these functions.

Many thanks


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