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email sending to multiple users

Posted 13 Jul 2001 15:32:52
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13 Jul 2001 15:32:52 Christian Sagmeister posted:

In advance: Sorry for so many questions, i am already happy if someone can give me a small hint to one ot the problems.

I want to build a webpage which should do following things:

On the right side of the webpage you see all registered members of the page
with a check box if they should receive an email or not. Another textbox
shows how many emails have been sent already to these persons. On the left
side there is a textbox which should be the body of the email.

Now I have following problems:

How I am solving it, that just these persons get an email box which Checkbox
I activated.
How I am telling the "email" that it should take the email adress from a
specified field of the recordset.
Furthermore the field "sent emails" should count 1 up if an email was sent
to this member, so that I have a statistic how many emails the member
already got.

I am using the Ultrasuite extensions from J.S.-> which extension of them
should I use and how do I them?
You can find a "first try" of the webpage on
and the code of the page on

Sorry for so many questions at one time, but I really have no idea where to
start to solve this problem,

Thank you for every hint

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