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Lightbox issues in Opera 12.12
Posted 04 Feb 2013 23:29:28
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04 Feb 2013 23:29:28 Peter Steinlechner posted:
Hi all So far i'm most happy with the DMX Lightbox extension.
But now I tried it in Opera and it does does *hang*
In more detail: lightbox starts opening but the content of the box doesn't gets loaded.
Any hints are highly appreciated
Replied 25 Apr 2013 06:50:57
25 Apr 2013 06:50:57 David Hall replied:
if there are two or more lightboxes on a single page, the first one works, but if you then click the second one, it will still display the first image
if you open a lightbox, close it and open it again, it will only show the loading image. The solution is to remove the lightboxImage creation code from the initialize() function. Instead recreate the lightboxImage everytime the image is changed. This will make sure that Opera will update the image and use the correct width and height.
if you open a lightbox, close it and open it again, it will only show the loading image. The solution is to remove the lightboxImage creation code from the initialize() function. Instead recreate the lightboxImage everytime the image is changed. This will make sure that Opera will update the image and use the correct width and height.