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All Templates - Not recognizing required extensions - installed

Posted 21 Jan 2013 00:54:10
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21 Jan 2013 00:54:10 melissa webster posted:
Hello everyone. I've been a member here for quite some time and never had trouble of this sort. I'm running Dreamweaver CS6 (and also the beta version of CS7), and every time I try to install a template (any template...i've tried multiple ones) it tells me that I need "Universal CSS Navigation Menu" extension.
I already have the required extension. I've triple checked. Anyone have any advice? I've tried this in both versions of Dreamweaver. I've uninstalled & reinstalled the extension.... Nothing has worked thus far...


Replied 21 Jan 2013 10:35:25
21 Jan 2013 10:35:25 Patrick Woldberg replied:
You can best take contact with support using the Live Support which is shown in the left sidebar. The image will show if they are online.

Otherwise I would advise to place the question in the support forum of the Universal CSS Navigation Menu, you can find the link on the product page.
Replied 21 Jan 2013 16:57:44
21 Jan 2013 16:57:44 melissa webster replied:
Thanks. I gave live support a whirl
But no operators were available. I'll see if I get something back from the message I left & if not, will go for the extension forum. Although, I did find that it is not solely the "CSS universal navigation" extension that is causing the issue. I tried one template which said I didn't have the "HTML5 Slideshow" installed, which I do.... I'll also take this issue to adobe as it may be an issue with their extension manager. Thanks for your guidance.
Replied 11 Jun 2013 22:27:11
11 Jun 2013 22:27:11 Cain Goettelman replied:
Did you ever get this resolved. I have the same problem with the new Bootstrap template telling me I don't have the required extensions but I have them installed and can use them.

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