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Adobe Illustrator CS6

Posted 23 Jul 2012 05:35:07
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23 Jul 2012 05:35:07 Rakhee Chitale posted:
I was having an argument with a friend about new features being added to software. I always thought that added features were just a way to repackage and sell more copies of the same software. My friend showed me this and in 2minutes I was convinced. I downloaded the new Illustrator from here and I’m probably going to buy the full version soon!


Replied 02 Aug 2012 13:11:52
02 Aug 2012 13:11:52 Shraddha Mehra replied:
I used to make t-shirt designs as a hobby and hoped that I could make some money out of it too but I gave up soon because it was just to bloody hard. I think I’m going to get back into it now that this feature is available - in the new Illustrator CS6. It’s so friggin’ awesome!
Replied 31 Aug 2012 12:53:40
31 Aug 2012 12:53:40 Niyati Gokhale replied:
I went to the Adobe roadshow hoping to learn more features of Photoshop CS6 but came out with a whole different view. I realized that the software I should really be working on for my brand design and positioning was Illustrator! I went through the seminar again - and started using the smart pattern feature and smart gradient features to work much, much faster!

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