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Make text field appear when pressing a button

Posted 18 Apr 2012 12:08:19
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18 Apr 2012 12:08:19 Christian Sen posted:

I have a page with a forum. On the page that displays messages there is a button that takes you to another page for inserting a new message. What I would like to do is make the "make a new message-function" appear at the top of the page inside the table, not a pop-up. Note that I allready have the old function working perfectly.

Can this be done fairly easy, in a hidden field or something? Or maybe call the function from a inc-file?

Note that I'm a noobie, pure hobby.

If someone have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about and have a solution, please share your thoughts

Page is written in DW, asp.vb. Connected to Access Db.

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